For those who want to take their option trading to the next level. Move beyond buying simple calls and puts to open the door to higher win-rates, lower risk, and consistent profits.
By examining profit and loss conditions and other proprietary indicators, Advanced Real-Time Alerts focus on opening multiple positions to improve upon profit opportunities, holding times, investment protection or any combination of the aforementioned. While advanced trading techniques add some dimensions and complexities, multi-legged option purchasing or selling allows traders to succeed in diverse market conditions while simultaneously suppressing risk when compared to straight-forward call and put purchasing.
Schaeffer’s Advanced Trading Real-Time Alerts accommodate evolving markets by calibrating its stances on either related positions, sectors, stocks or technique primarily in the form of credit spreads, iron condors, pairs trading, straddles or strangles. While slightly more complex in nature, these advanced trading strategies can be used to moderate risk while maintaining consistent profit potential for investors seeking to protect their capital, making multi-legged options a more desirable approach to options trading than traditional methods. Advanced trading is defined by its ability to capture specific trading benefits depending on the goals of the investor, regardless if the investor is seeking aggressive or modest returns.