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Schaeffer's Daily Bulletin

Our popular stock trading recommendation service is delivered via email every trading day, and includes:

  • A "Featured Stock" pick, with target and stop-loss levels included
  • Daily bull & bear watchlists to generate more trading ideas
  • Quick links to the latest news & studies from

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Wake up to market news and expert investment ideas with Schaeffer's Daily Bulletin

With Schaeffer’s Daily Bulletin, you’ll have all the information you need to trade smarter at your fingertips before the market opens each day.

You’ll get our featured stock pick of the day, with daily updates on open positions from one of our top traders. Plus, we provide daily bull & bear stock picks to help you drill down on some trading opportunities of your own.

With your free online user’s guide, you’ll have all the information you need to successfully utilize Schaeffer’s Daily Bulletin.

Wake up to a winning trading strategy and information found nowhere else!

How diverse is your portfolio? Whether it’s a sector you’re familiar with, a friend’s tip, or just a hunch from the news, you probably stay close to the stocks you feel you know best. Most traders do. Trouble is, this can lead to periods when profitable trades are harder to find. Or worse, your hunch is wrong.

We know you don’t have hours a day to spend researching potential market investments, but that’s where our experts come in.

Schaeffer’s Daily Bulletin helps you branch out and uncover profit opportunities in areas you might never have imagined. Plus, you'll get an average of 8-12 stock recommendations per month!

Semiconductors, oil, banking, retail… you name it. Schaeffer’s research team examines all sectors and stocks. In fact, you can wake up and discover a new list of trading ideas each trading day!

Schaeffer’s Daily Bulletin includes:

•    Featured stock pick of the day
•    Bull & bear watchlists, updated daily
•    Portfolio updates with target & stop-loss adjustments
•    Links to our top news & research articles of the day

Subscriber Reviews

“This Schaeffer's Daily Bulletin is the best service I have ever used! It is direct and to the point, and has some excellent recommendations. It is also priced right.”

- E. Brown, Santa Fe NM


Stay on top of your trading game with in-depth analysis, commentary, expert recommendations, and more!

The cornerstone of Bernie Schaeffer’s unique analytical approach that underlies the picks in Schaeffer’s Daily Bulletin is Expectational Analysis®, a methodology that analyzes technical and fundamental factors with the context of market sentiment. The key to this approach is accurately gauging investor expectations through various sentiment indicators.

Our experts spend hours every day using these indicators to uncover potential profitable trades, and scour the market for both bull and bear stocks. You’ll see recommendations detailing which stocks we believe are prime candidates for a major move and why. Schaeffer’s Daily Bulletin works to find you the best profit opportunities that fit the current market climate.

Don't miss your chance to discover top-notch trading opportunities every morning... Get Schaeffer’s Daily Bulletin TODAY!



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FREE Schaeffer's Market Recap

Our post-close analysis of the day's major market-moving events, sent via email.

FREE Schaeffer's Opening View

Our round-up of must-know market news & stats ahead of the bell, sent via email.

FREE Schaeffer's Midday Market Check

Our intraday update on data surprises, stocks in the news, and unusual option activity, sent via email.

Featured Offers

Make sure you check this offer to receive the 2025 Trade of the Year now.
Who’s on the other side of this trade?
In early February of 2024, we discovered who and why certain Hedge Funds were using Dark Pools and Buying Block-size positions in PLTR. Once we had the answer to the most important Question of all “WHY?”, we got to work grabbing as much stock as we could find @ $16.75. Once the stock hit $84, we took down King-sized profits.

As this offer hits the masses, we are going to hit the Buy side on a mirror-image situation. This is what is commonly referred to as the Spill-Over Effect. Our 2025 Trade of the Year is YOURS FREE. Alongside this life-changing trade, we will send you the Rise Capital Daily Insighter.