Target 100% winners starting this Thursday
Options Apprentice is designed to give you a new option-buying idea each week, as well as educate you in the dynamics of options trading during our weekly webinar.
During our webinar every Thursday at 4 p.m. ET, you’ll get everything you need to know to place a trade, including the recommendation, complete exit parameters, the profit objective and time-stop date and trade drivers.
Each week we’ll also review open positions, so you always know exactly where you stand. You’ll know why we like each trade, the market conditions, and when to exit the trade so you can target the biggest profits.
It all happens the same day and same time, every week so you always know what to expect. All you have to do is login and watch to have everything you need to place the trade.
We know you’re busy, so if you happen to miss a session, you can always access a recording through your personalized account area at any time. We also post the trade information. You’ll always have the information that you need, when you need it.
What you get with your Options Apprentice subscription:
- A weekly trade targeting 100% potential gains: Our team will be scouring the market looking for the best option trading opportunities.
- Each trade will be a straight call or put purchase.
- You’ll get everything you need to trade: During our webinar every Thursday at 4 pm ET, we’ll provide market commentary and entry and exit instructions for each trade.
- Cheap option premiums: Most recommended options will range in price under $20. It won’t cost much to get into these hot trades.
- Short holding periods: You’ll typically hold open positions from about one to four months, so your money isn’t tied up for long periods of time.
- A free online trading handbook: Provides everything you need to successfully trade Schaeffer’s Options Apprentice, including our specific money management guidelines.
Options Apprentice is built on an approach to options trading that aims to achieve consistent, solid profits. Join us each Thursday 4 pm ET to get your weekly trade and a full-blown analysis of the current market conditions.
Get in now to get your first trade and webinar this Thursday with Options Apprentice!